Archive | Racist Remarks by Leaders in the Church

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Brigham Young’s 1852 Address to Legislature on Slavery

20 September

Today we’re looking at a speech given by Brigham Young in 1852 to a joint session of Legislature on the topic of slavery, racism, and Brigham’s idea of how God looks at black people. In the future we’ll be adding to a new category here on the site and blog where we’ll be listing other […]

Racist Remarks by Mormon Leaders 18

29 February

No  Priesthood for Cain until Abel has His Own Planet  The Church and the Negro, pg 48-49; “It was a great tragedy for Abel to be killed and thereby prevented from having any offspring. It is written that the blessings of exaltation consist in “the continuation of the family unit in eternity” and a “continuation […]

Racist Remarks by Mormon Leaders 17

28 February

Black Woman will be White in Heaven Wilford Woodruff, His Life and Labors, pg 587; “There is one peculiar characteristic noticeable in the journal of Wilford Woodruff, it is that hopeful, joyful spirit that dwells with ever increasing satisfaction upon the things that are good and uplifting…He said in his journal of October, that year, […]

Racist Remarks by Mormon Leaders 16

27 February

Mark of Cain is a Black Skin, Blacks weren’t Valiant in Pre-existence The Church and the Negro, John Lund, pg 13; “On the subject of the mark of Cain our prophets have given all the important information that is necessary to our salvation. Frankly, sincerely, and somewhat abruptly, President Brigham Young has told us that […]

Mormon Leaders Racist Remarks 15

25 February

Mormon Leader Lies about Racist Past Behavior of Church Ensign, Sept. 2000; “The cause of much of the strife and conflict in the world, racism is an offense against God and a toll in the devil’s hands. In common with other Christians, members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints regret the actions […]

Racist Remarks by Mormon Leaders 14

24 February

Forget Past Revelations about Race The 2nd Annual Symposium on the Book of Mormon, All are Alike unto God; “There are statements in our literature by the early brethren which we have interpreted to mean that the Negroes would not receive the priesthood in mortality. I have said the same things, and people write me […]

Racist Remarks by Mormon Leaders 13

23 February

Other Reasons Why Negro Cannot Hold Priesthood  Answers to Gospel Questions 2:188; “Kindly see chapters 15 and 16, in The Way to Perfection, for further light in relation to the reason why the Negro cannot receive the priesthood. In brief, it is as follows: Because of transgression in the first estate which deprives him in […]

Racist Remarks by Mormon Leaders 12

22 February

Blacks are Cursed & Shouldn’t Intermarry Mormon Doctrine, pg. 114; “… in a broad general sense, caste systems have their root and origin in the gospel itself, and when they operate according to the divine decree, the resultant restrictions and segregation are right and proper and have the approval of the Lord. To illustrate: Cain, […]

Racist Remarks by Mormon Leaders 11

21 February

Harold B. Lee, Prophet 1969 First Presidency Statement; “From the beginning of this dispensation, Joseph Smith and all succeeding presidents of the Church have taught that Negroes, while spirit children of a common Father, and the progeny of our earthly parents Adam and Eve, were not yet to receive the priesthood, for reasons which we […]