Mormon Dilemma 437

15 November

Church Welfare System

 “I Was an Hungred, and Ye Gave Me Meat”, Ensign, May 2004, 57; “Those in need are expected to do all they can to provide for themselves. Then families are expected to assist in taking care of their less-fortunate members. And then the resources of the Church are made available.” – Gordon B. Hinckley




Matthew 25:35; “For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in.”

The passage in Matthew is referring to the servant who took care of a stranger and how God looks upon the service as if it was done for Him. 

You’ll notice in the sequence of events from the mouth of the Mormon prophet that first the destitute must take care of themselves. 

 If they can’t make ends meet then members of the Church are expected to foot the bill and only after those two venues are exhausted, the Church with its deep pockets will come forward. Don’t think it’ll be a free gift though. Those who receive must pay back by either working on one of the welfare farms or through a payment plan of a low interest loan. The Church doesn’t just dole out money with no questions asked. There will be a price to pay. 

For non-members this typically means joining Mormonism as the Church isn’t in the habit of giving alms to the poor without a nice ROI (return on investment).

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