Tag Archives: sin

Russell Nelson’s Glorification of Sin

15 October

Mark 3:25 “And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand.” General Conference, ‘Sisters’ Participation in the Gathering of Israel,’ October 2018 “… it was our glorious Mother Eve—with her far-reaching vision of our Heavenly Father’s plan—who initiated what we call ‘‘the Fall.” Her wise and courageous choice and Adam’s supporting decision moved God’s […]

Groves in the Bible, and The “Sacred Grove” of Joseph Smith

09 April

On my entrance into Christianity, I was quickly made aware of God’s providence. The Sunday school class my church was offering at the time was on the life of early Israelites. Nowadays, I don’t recall what books were specifically used, however, I do remember learning about the trouble Israel kept finding itself in for hanging […]

My Five Wives on TLC

12 March

As you may have heard TLC has decided to add another show about themodern polygamist lifestyle to its nightly schedule. The new show is titled “My Five Wives” and follows the life of Brady and his wives: Paulie, Robyn, Rosemary, Nonie and Rhonda as they experience the ups and downs of being a polygamist family. If […]

False Teachings of the Mormon Church

05 November

Joseph Smith Venerated Selected Writing of Daniel H. Ludlow: Gospel Scholars Series, pg. 488; “Elder Neal A. Maxwell suggested that the word venerate might be appropriate for Joseph Smith: “The Prophet Joseph Smith, of course, was not a perfect man. There has been only one such—Jesus Christ. But Joseph Smith was a special witness for […]

Mormon Dilemmas 10

15 June

Atonement Ensign, November 2008, pg. 57; “”[The] testing of our limits in priesthood service is made necessary by God’s plan to qualify His children to live with Him again forever. Heavenly Father loves His children…To qualify us to receive that gift, He gave us a mortal body, the opportunity to be tempted to sin, and […]