Tag Archives: Mormon doctrine

According to the LDS Church What is a Cult?

08 October

In Mormon Doctrine, pp. 174 & 699, Bruce McConkie defined a cult as “sects”.  Under the sects section it says; “See APOSTASY, CHRISTIANITY,CREEDS, FIRST VISION, HARLOTS. Division and dissension, contention, confusion and discord — these are among the prevailing characteristics of the sects of Christendom.” John 15:17-18; “These things I command you, that ye love one another.18 If the […]

LDS Contradictions on Where You’ll Spend Eternity

25 March

Mormon Doctrine, p. 211; “…CREATION… CELESTIAL EARTH. — Following the millennium plus “a little season” (D. & C. 29:22-25), the earth will die, be resurrected and become like a “sea of glass” (D. & C. 130:7), attain unto “its sanctified, immortal, and eternal state.” (D. & C. 77:1-2.) Then the poor and the meek — that […]

Is the Mormon Jesus ‘Immanuel’?

16 December

Matthew 15:9; “But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.” Today we’re asking how the Church uses this all important name. We’re looking at Mormon Doctrine, written by Bruce McConkie, once a leading authority in the LDS Church. Mormon Doctrine, p. 269; “See CHRIST, VIRGIN BIRTH. Christ is Immanuel, […]

False Prophecies of Mormonism

27 November

Hell isn’t Always Eternal Encyclopedia of Mormonism, pg 586; “A third meaning of “hell” (second spiritual death) refers to the realm of the devil and his angels, including those known as sons of perdition (2 Pet. 2:4; D&C 29:38; 88:113; Rev. 20:14). It is a place for those who cannot be cleansed by the Atonement […]

Mormon Terminology

18 September

Salvation  In Mormonism there is a general or “unconditional salvation” of all people because God gives “grace alone without obedience to gospel law”.  After this general salvation comes the placement of souls.  Heaven is comprised of three distinct levels and you earn your way into the various levels by the amount or type of work […]