Tag Archives: 1 Nephi 14:10

Mormon Dilemma 216

07 April

Apostate Christianity With the observation of the birth of Christianity just days away I thought we’d take a look back at one of our first “dilemmas”.  It’s always interested me why the Mormon Church would want to be included in the circle of Christianity when they’ve tried for years to separate themselves from it. Here’s […]

Mormon Dilemma 214

04 April

Jesus’ Bride, the Body of Christ and the Cross Mormon Doctrine, pp. 314-315 (1958); “Harlots. See Church of the Devil, Sex Immorality.  Literally an harlot is a prostitute; figuratively it is any apostate church. Nephi, speaking of harlots in the literal sense and while giving a prophetic description of the Catholic Church, recorded that he ‘saw […]