Why Mormons Reject the Cross of Christ

05 January

‘A faith that can’t be tested can’t be trusted.’ – Adrian Rogers


 General Conference, April 2004, “The Atonement: All for All”; “The Lord restored His gospel through Joseph Smith because there had been an apostasy. Since the fifth century, Christianity taught that Adam and Eve’s Fall was a tragic mistake, which led to the belief that humankind has an inherently evil nature. That view is wrong—not only about the Fall and human nature, but about the very purpose of life.” – Bruce C. Hafen

Also see:

Introduction to the Gospel, p. 312; “…In the restoration, man was raised to the dignity which he had formerly known…Original sin and human depravity were done away with and in their place came again Jesus’ high regard for the dignity of man, the worth of every individual as a child of God, and great emphasis on man’s freedom and accompanying moral responsibility…in the Latter-day Saint teaching of salvation which reveals a fine balance between the grace of Deity and man’s individual merit.” – Lowell Bennion

1 Peter 2:24-25; “Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed. 25 For ye were as sheep going astray; but are now returned unto the Shepherd and Bishop of your souls.”

One of the foundational lies in Mormonism is the belief men are not inherently evil. We’ve asked the question before, and we’ll continue to do so until they change their minds…if men were born without sin, why profess a belief in Christ?

1.The entire reason God put on human flesh and came to earth was to do for us what we couldn’t do for ourselves.

2.People profess Christianity because they believe they’re sinful man, in need of a Savior to redeem them from their future inheritance of hell.

There’s a huge disconnect in the logic of Mormon theology, and it can be traced to the idea that mankind isn’t sinful. It’s quite simple my friend…by elevating man, you debase God. Mormons fool themselves when they believe they don’t need what His death on the cross provides.

Mormons can’t look to the cross because they haven’t looked in the mirror. When you can’t take inventory of why you need Him, what you’ve done wrong, and where you’ll end up, the cross is nothing but in the way.

Every problem we face in life stems from one thing – pride. The apostles, and prophets of Mormonism don’t want you to look at the cross because it takes away their self imposed purpose in life. They’d be gainfully unemployed, and in the same shoes you and I are walking in today. They’d have to face the fact they’re not infallible, they will be held accountable, and they too are sinners in need of a Redeemer.

The video we mentioned in yesterday’s post is another good example of their lies. While there are deep issues in people’s lives, there’s only one place where anyone can find true healing, and that’s at the foot of the cross.

He can heal all your hurts, and all the pain you’ve incurred can be worked through because of His Holy Spirit’s redemptive powers. Memories won’t go away because facts don’t change, but God can change you. You, my friend, can become a new creature because of what He did on the cross.

The result of His death when we choose to accept Him, is the indwelling of His Spirit inside of us. This is how we know when we’re wrong. His Spirit prods us on to worship Him, obey Him, and want more of Him.

We’re all inclined to do evil in some form or fashion, but His Spirit residing inside of us deters us from such behavior, thus becoming a new creature – 2 Cor. 5:17. This is what it means to die to sin. We reject our natural tendencies in favor of wanting to please Him who died for us on the cross.

What’s the catch?

You have to accept He did on the cross for you because you’re a sinner.

Did you know that Peter wrote the words in his epistle to slaves who were being whipped, and suffering untold horrors under the hands of their oppressors? Even during their trials, we’re reminded to look to Jesus and what He suffered through because of our sin. This is the only way to true freedom!

The one thing all cults have in common is their ability to diminish what Jesus did on the cross, and elevate the wonders of mankind. Take a moment and think about what’s going on around us in the world today. No one is a sinner. It seems people are more out of control now than ever. The news is awash with real life horror stories, cable channels have run amuck with titles of shows that I dare not repeat.

What does the world have in common with cults? No one is a sinner. Just like Joe Smith taught way back in 1830 in Fayette, NY.

D&C 29:46-47; “But behold, I say unto you, that little children are redeemed from the foundation of the world through mine Only Begotten; 47 Wherefore, they cannot sin, for power is not given unto Satan to tempt little children, until they begin to become accountable before me.”


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