Mormon Dilemma 163

13 February

Apostasy from the First Century to Joseph Smith 

Journal of Discourses 18:44; “This great apostacy [sic] commenced about the close of the first century of the Christian era, and it has been waxing worse and worse from then until now. A short time after the death of the last of the Apostles, the Christian Church, what few of them remained, were persecuted from mountain to mountain, from den to den, from one cave of the earth to another, and from nation to nation until they were entirely exterminated and rooted out of the earth. Well, what was left? An apostate Christianity, a Christianity without revelators, without any voice of God, without any Prophets to unfold the future, without visions, without any communications from the heavens. Apostacy [sic] succeeded the Christian Church and has borne rule over all the nations of the earth; and these Scriptures have been fulfilled; for they say that a certain power should arise, and make war with the Saints and overcome them, and they should be given into the hands of that power.” – Orson Pratt, Salt Lake City, July 11, 1875

John 14:26; “But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.”

Don’t you think God would’ve known the church would have dissolved? To believe this is nonsense. Why would someone go out of their way to believe make up such a story?!

I could sit here all day and list promise after promise from God that He will never leave or forsake us, that God doesn’t lie, He’s not a god of confusion, we can use the Bible today and stand on the promises He proclaimed through the appointed writers and on my list could go. 

There’s only one explanation for the Mormon information above to be true. The person that made up this story didn’t bother to read the Bible and didn’t want others to believe it because he wanted them to believe he was the messiah. 

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