Mormon Christmas Calendar

15 December

 On we noticed they’ve created their own version of an Advent Calendar. You can download the calendar by following the link below.

The introduction to the calendar reads –

“Each Christmas, we celebrate the life of Jesus Christ, the Light of the World. By following His teachings, we let his light shine—in our lives and in the lives of others. This year, use this calendar for inspiration as you plan your Christmas activities to help #LightTheWorld by serving those in need.”

Traditionally an Advent Calendar is used by Christians to mark the days leading up to the birth of Jesus Christ, the greatest gift the world has ever received. It’s a time for us to reflect and think about Jesus. He was born into this world to eventually suffer and die a brutal death for our sins, so that we might have eternal life if we repent, and have faith and trust in Him. This gift comes to us by grace, not by works, or deeds in order to be found worthy of salvation.

When I see Mormons talking about their Jesus as though he were the Jesus of the Bible it has a way of making me irritated, and sad at the same time. If Mormons were truly following the teachings of the real Jesus they wouldn’t be following Joseph Smith, or preforming temple rituals to receive exaltation.

We receive a lot of feedback from Mormons who feel personally attacked because of the things we write, and the things we say at Life After Ministries. Our goal isn’t to offend as many Mormons as we can, but to lead them to Jesus Christ. We want them to understand, and realize that He is all they need.

Jesus came into this world and was born so that they could have eternal life with God, not because of the works that they do, but because of the work that has already been done for them.

As always, I pray for Mormons to have a desire to really get to know the real Jesus Christ.

In Christ,

Melissa Grimes


25 Days, 25 Ways Calendar

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