Mormon Ads in Seattle

07 October

Mormon Ads in Seattle

Two days ago while enjoying my morning cup of coffee and watching the news I was surprised to see the ad on the television that popped up.  In the short story of how wonderful this woman’s life was, at the end of the little blip she announced “And I’m a Mormon”.

Now the ad wouldn’t have caught my attention if she wouldn’t have made the last announcement.  The next commercial that came on was another Mormon ad.  This time it was some guy telling the world how wonderful his life is and that he’s a Mormon.  Then yesterday while watching the news and having my morning coffee another Mormon ad came on and this time the guy was telling us that his life wouldn’t be worth living if it weren’t for his mom, his life is happy and he’s a Mormon.

There are a lot of things in these ads that I don’t like and could go on and on about, but I’m going to restrain myself and only mention two things.

Out of the three ads I’ve seen so far, none of them have white people.  I find this really interesting considering the teachings of the Church have historically condemned non-whites.  Every single non-white ex-Mormon I’ve met has told me the same thing.  The teachings of the Mormon Church are racist, even today in twenty-first century.

And the last thing which actually is the most glaring in my opinion; not one of them mentioned Jesus’ name.  Not one single time did they say they love their life because they’re a Christian.  No mention of a cross, His crucifixion to pay the price for their sin, and no mention of Jesus.

How happy can you really be if He’s not the reason for your joy?

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