False Prophecies of Joseph Smith

26 April

People have been writing in lately asking for a list of prophecies made by Joseph Smith.  While we do have an article on the false prophecies made by Church leaders, we haven’t yet compiled a database for all of Smith’s prophecies. That’s something we’ll have to look into!

Today we’d like to highlight just one of those prophecies and we’ll be doing so for the next couple of weeks so check back often!  😉

We’d like for our readers to share their thoughts on this so if you know of any prophecies by Smith you’d like to add to our list, we’d love your help!

Who’s in Charge?

D&C 112:15; “Exalt not yourselves; rebel not against my servant Joseph; for verily I say unto you, I am with him, and my hand shall be over him; and the keys which I have given unto him, and also to youward, shall not be taken from him till I come.”

This obviously qualifies as a false prophecy.  Smith was shot and killed in June 1844.  Remember what John said in his first epistle; we must test the spirit to see if they’re from God.

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2 Responses to “False Prophecies of Joseph Smith”

  1. shematwater April 27, 2011 at 4:23 pm #

    Lets not be ridiculous.

    This is not a false prophecy, as the Keys that were given to Joseph Smith he still has. Is not God the God of the living.

    This does not say that Joseph Smith would retain these keys in this life, only that he would retain them until the second coming.

    Thus, the statement is true and accurate and has been fulfilled, for in sealing his testimony with his blood he has ensured that his Priesthood and keys will always remain with him.

  2. shematwater April 27, 2011 at 4:23 pm #

    You really need to learn how to interpret prophecy.

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