Demonic and Ungodly Names in the Book of Mormon 5

09 May

“We can also intentionally deceive others by a gesture or a look, by silence, or by telling only part of the truth. Whenever we lead people in any way to believe something that is not true, we are not being honest. The Lord is not pleased with such dishonesty, and we will have to account for our lies.” – Gospel Principles, pg 204

demonic-names-in-the-book-of-mormonIn this part of our investigation we’re taking a look at the obscure. While most of the names we’re looking at receive a lot of attention on the forefront, there’s little to no information given in the text explaining their historical background or geographical location.

As a student of the Bible I approach my studies expecting to discover in-depth info about the people involved and where they lived. Everything in the Bible has a paper trail if you will, with that person, event or place linking it to previous events. It describes why people were given the names they had, why God had a relationship with them, what they could expect from Him and vice versa.  Unfortunately this isn’t the case when it comes to the Book of Mormon.

The reason I do this is to try and spark interest in the minds of the Mormon people. If perhaps they’d be interested in learning more about this book they put a lot of trust in, we pray God will open their hearts and see the futility in the stories of Joseph Smith.

As always, we’re not doing this out of animosity or to bash the Mormon people. I remember well the determined mind set and voracity I held in my heart to defend my heritage and culture. I didn’t appreciate being made fun of then and therefore I won’t stoop down to do it now.

With Love in Christ;

Michelle Grim

1 Cor 1:18


Kings David & Solomon's KingdomIn the Bible the name Lemuel (Lamuel or Lemoel) is a symbolic name for Solomon.  The English translation for this name means “devoted or belonging to God”.  We find this name used only twice in the Bible in Proverbs 31:1, 4.

Many scholars believe this was a warning to Solomon from his mother. (Can you imagine being a king and your mother’s warning to you makes it in the Bible? Yikes!)

In Hebrew the name Lemuel is lemuòeòl.   

The section of Proverbs where this shows up obviously comes from a non-Israelite woman. Linguistic features from the text lend itself to a strong position of placing the kingdom in north Arabia near Edom.

Dictionary of the Book of Mormon; “The second son of Lehi and Sariah, born in Jerusalem, about B. C. 620 or 625. He appears in history as the shadow of his elder brother, Laman… Lemuel sided with and sustained Laman, and when, after the death of Lehi…Lemuel and his family joined their fortunes to that of his elder brother. Of Lemuel’s domestic life we only know that he married a daughter of Ishmael. Of the time and place of his death we are told nothing.”

Oh brother is an apt phrase in this scenario. So if these righteous Nephites left Jerusalem when God told everyone to stay put ends up marrying an Ishmaelite does it surprise anyone he’d rail against God?

The made up stories of Joseph Smith knows no bounds.  The other thing not known is who these people are or what happened to them. There’s no archaeological evidence proving they existed and what little info Joseph does give isn’t very forthcoming…

Why did this Lemuel character side with his evil brother? Why did he disobey God’s directives when he married a non-Israelite? God warned the Israelites not to be unequally yoked as He’s done for us on this side of the cross in the age of grace –  2 Cor. 6:14-15. See our article on being unequally yoked here where we provide more than two dozen scriptural examples of what God says about this from both the Old and New Testaments.

Exodus 34:12-16; “Take heed to thyself, lest thou make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land whither thou goest, lest it be for a snare in the midst of thee: 13 But ye shall destroy their altars, break their images, and cut down their groves: 14 For thou shalt worship no other god: for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God: 15 Lest thou make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land, and they go a whoring after their gods, and do sacrifice unto their gods, and one call thee, and thou eat of his sacrifice; 16 And thou take of their daughters unto thy sons, and their daughters go a whoring after their gods, and make thy sons go a whoring after their gods. 17 Thou shalt make thee no molten gods.”


LiahonaThe “Liahona” in the Book of Mormon is nothing more than a made up name of a tool used for witchcraft purposes. The tool these Nephite people used was dependent upon the mood of the people and how they behaved. It was supposedly a navigational device God dropped at the door of Lehi’s tent in the middle of the night. You can read more about this in the False Prophecies of Mormonism; Brass Compass on our blog.  And by the way, compasses wouldn’t be invented for another 400+ years and in China, some 4,400 miles away from where Lehi and company were camped.

Dictionary of the Book of Mormon; “While Lehi and his little colony were encamped near the river Laman, the voice of the Lord came unto him, and commanded him to resume his journey on the morrow. When Lehi stepped out of his tent door the next morning, he was much surprised to behold, lying upon the ground close by, a round ball of curious workmanship. It appeared as though it was made of fine brass, and within it were two spindles; one of which pointed the way which Lehi and his party should travel as they journeyed through the wilderness.”


From Wikipedia it says; “In Greek mythology, Mormo (Greek: Μορμώ, Μορμών, Mormō) was a spirit who bit bad children, and was said to have been a companion of the goddess Hecate. The name was also used to signify a female vampire-like creature in stories told to Greek children by their nurses to keep them from misbehaving. This reference is primarily found in some of the plays of Aristophanes.”

Since Mormo was Hecate’s consort, I thought it might be of interest to find out more about her. Oh, what a gem of a Greek goddess she was…ugh.

Hecate, Greek goddess & universal role of savior She was associated with a crossroads of sorts as well as fire, light, the moon, magic, witchcraft, necromancy and sorcery.  And we wonder why Smith used the name Mormo – good grief.

She was worshipped as one of the main deities who served as an all around universal savior in Athenian households.  Nice…  In more recent times she’s the patron goddess in many of the witches’ entourage of things to be worshipped and is acknowledged as the Triple Goddess aspect of Crone.  You’ll remember we talked about that god in our investigation of markings on the Nauvoo Temple

It’s just like Joseph Smith said; “It’s all one eternal round” (D&C 3:2).

Chron, Kron, Cronus, et al, is looked upon as one of the most evil, iniquitous, disturbing gods ever created and worshipped. Did I mention nefarious? I’m sure everyone’s seen him as the mascot for one of the large pharmaceutical companies here in the States. His depiction is that of a bull with a round solar type disc atop his head stationed between his horns.

Here in this lesson of demonic spirits we see Hecate as the female representation of Khron as the consort of Mormo.  Good job Joe.

Helam & Helaman

Helam Region MapThe name Helaman isn’t in the Bible, but the name Helam is. The reason I’ve included it is because of how similar the two names are and we’ve already determined in past articles from the series how Joseph liked to tweak names just a fraction to make it something it is not.

The Hebrew name Helam is cheòylaòm and is a place/region east of Palestine and the Jordan and west of the Euphrates. It’s where David defeated the Syrian army – 2 Samuel 10:16. Its name implies a place of abundance and great victory.

 The earliest Greek translation of Ezekiel 47:16 locates this region between Damascus and Hamath in Syria.

All info on Helaman and Helam in the Book of Mormon comes from the Book of Mormon and Dictionary of the Book of Mormon.

Book of Mormon Helaman

Helaman – a son of the Nephite king Benjamin, mentioned only once

Helaman – son of Alma, no date or place of birth of this prophet and general of the Nephites

Helaman – son of Helaman, “The life of this patriarch is not given with the same details in the inspired record, as are those of his father…” (Dictionary of the Book of Mormon)

Book of Mormon Helam

Nephite baptized by Alma – Mosiah 18:16

City of Helam – Mosiah 23:26

Land of Helam – Mosiah 23:35

As you can readily see there is little to no info on the persons named Helam or Helaman. You’d think that if a city or even a region was named after someone there would be more info or coordinates on a map detailing where took place. Furthermore glowing descriptions are used in Helaman’s honor yet they have no in-depth info on him…strange!

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3 Responses to “Demonic and Ungodly Names in the Book of Mormon 5”

  1. Melissa July 19, 2013 at 5:54 am #

    This is great! God bless you!

  2. LD September 1, 2015 at 7:40 pm #


    Re tool dropped by God at Lehi’s tent door at night> the little X designs on this orb= ORION constellation. The orb itself= O for Orion. LDS= ORION confab, the names of alleged Mormon great societies encrypted from the names of the eight stars in the Orion constellation (eg Mulekite is taken from Betelgeuse and Mintaka, the other names more difficult decryptions, more than can be demonstrated here).

    LDS is a Genesis black mass breeding enterprise in the US and has been stealth on this project since the Mormon reformation. LDS commemorated on two events, Mountain Meadows (SOD logo midpoint between Kirtland and Mountain Meadows via Nauvoo. 300K victims Between 1900 and 2000.





    Relief Society
    953956 1639527

    Helaman (BOM)
    2; Genesis 6:2

  3. LD September 1, 2015 at 7:41 pm #



    Navigational tool dropped by God at Lehi’s tent door at night.

    Re tool dropped by God at Lehi’s tent door at night> the little X designs on this orb= ORION constellation. The orb itself= O for Orion. LDS= ORION confab, the names of alleged Mormon great societies encrypted from the names of the eight stars in the Orion constellation (eg Mulekite is taken from Betelgeuse and Mintaka, the other names more difficult decryptions, more than can be demonstrated here).

    LDS is a Genesis black mass breeding enterprise in the US and has been stealth on this project since the Mormon reformation. LDS commemorated on two events, Mountain Meadows (SOD logo midpoint between Kirtland and Mountain Meadows via Nauvoo. 300K victims Between 1900 and 2000.





    Relief Society
    953956 1639527

    Helaman (BOM)
    2; Genesis 6:2

    Helam (KJB)

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